The 3 Phases Of Solopreneurship (Say Yes, Say No, Buy Back Your Time)

In this episode, I cover:
  • My brand new “3 Phases of Solopreneurship” framework
  • The 3 most powerful resources you have as a solopreneur: your money, your time, your mind
  • 4 things you must do if you’re just getting started (and have more free time than money)
  • The two massive mistakes people make when they get a little bit of money.
  • How to buy back your time so you actually have more freedom (instead of just more work).
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Resources Mentioned
Episode on Maintenance vs. Growth Tasks: Ep. 7 - 7 Systems I’m Using In My Businesses
Buy Back Your Time - By Dan Martell

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How To Work Less (My Signature Course):
6-Figure Solopreneur Systems (FREE Course):
Work Less Wednesday (My Weekly Newsletter):

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The 3 Phases Of Solopreneurship (Say Yes, Say No, Buy Back Your Time)
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