My Story: Addiction, Recovery, Alignment

In this episode, I cover:
  • What I’ve been up to
  • My addiction story
  • How I got into recovery
  • Why I’m sharing this now
  • Work life integration
  • Tapping into a new fuel
  • The value is you
  • What I’m doing next
When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

📬 Work Less Wednesday (FREE)
My weekly email. What I’m learning, doing, and thinking about. 30k readers.

🏖 How To Work Less
From 2012-2023, I built a design agency that made me $500k/year, working 10 hours a week. HTWL teaches you how to do it. (350+ past students. 5 stars)

🧪 Work Closely With Me.
If you’re an entrepreneur making 6-7 figures and want direct mentorship and consulting with me, let’s talk.

My Story: Addiction, Recovery, Alignment
Broadcast by